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Boatbuilding trick

Find the exact spot for a drill hole with a magnet
Author: B v/d Weijden, Alphen a/d Rijn, Netherlands
Online since: 28/09/2009, Number of visits: 279755
I am a boat builder and it often happens that I have to put a drainpipe in the boat hull, which needs to be positioned in an exact place. It has to be placed just above the water line, otherwise it would be counterproductive... It's practically impossible to measure the right spot on the inside as well as on the outside due to the many round forms. Now I found a great solution with the aid of magnets.
I look for the appropriate spot for the drain pipe on the inside of the boat. Then I put a CSN-48 with a piece of wood and a screw at that place.
Then I use iron cuttings to look for that spot on the outside of the boat. The iron cuttings assemble where the magnet is located. I find an exact indication for further measurements and I can mark the spot clearly.
This way of measuring saves me a lot of time and I always know where to drill a hole.

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