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Christmas decoration with magnetic sheets

Create your own magnetic Christmas decorations with magnetic sheets
Author: supermagnete, Uster, Switzerland, [email protected]
Online since: 08/11/2016, Number of visits: 310106

Materials needed

  • Magnetic sheet MS-A4 in different colours (here gold, silver and green)
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Sharp scissors or cutter
  • Paper/cardboard template (see below)
  • Ruler


Cut paper or cardboard templates (can be found in arts & crafts books or the Internet).
Tip: For an Internet search enter "stars", "angel", "Christmas tree" and "template" for quick results.
Place one template on the magnetic sheet and trace it carefully. Then cut it out.
Tip 1: If you want to cut out multiple stars, a cardboard template works better.
Tip 2: You can also use cookie cutters as templates. Just place the shape on the sheet and trace it with a pencil.
You can also draw shapes on the sheet. Try a Christmas tree for instance.
Use a ruler and measure picture frames for photos. Make sure the inner edge is a little smaller, so the photo doesn't fall out.
At the end, just remove pencil traces with an eraser.
And there you have your own magnetic, festive Christmas decoration for the fridge, whiteboard, magnetic board, metal cupboard, etc.

You can find other suitable craft instructions and gift ideas in our Christmas guide.
In our handicraft guide, you will find many more useful tips and tricks for making your own magnets.

Go to handicraft guide

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