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Curie temperature

What is the Curie temperature?

The Curie temperature is a material-specific temperature above which the magnetic properties of the material change. For example, iron is only attracted to a magnet below the specific Curie temperature. The attractive force disappears completely above the Curie temperature. The Curie temperature is 769 °C for iron, 1127 °C for cobalt and 358 °C for nickel. This temperature was named after the French physicist Pierre Curie.
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The Curie temperature (\(T_C\)) is the temperature above which a ferromagnetic material changes into a paramagnetic material. The remanence of a magnetised ferromagnet also disappears above the Curie temperature. The phenomenon was discovered by the French physicist Pierre Curie in 1895.

To understand this effect, the physical basis of remanence should be briefly explained. When a ferromagnet is exposed to an external magnetic field, magnetisation occurs. The material itself becomes magnetic and remains magnetic even when the external magnetic field is switched off. This remaining magnetisation is called remanence. The physical reason for the existence of the Curie temperature lies in the nature of ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism occurs because magnetic moments caused by electron spin are aligned and stabilised in a material when the material is exposed to an external magnetic field.
This alignment is very stable in ferromagnets due to the exchange interaction between the electron spins. The exchange interaction prevents the alignment of the spins from being lost again due to thermal motion at room temperature.
However, at higher temperatures, the movement of the electron spins increases. Initially, the spins remain aligned in parallel over large areas, the so-called Weiss domains. It may just be that the orientation of the spins shifts simultaneously over a larger area. This is known as a Barkhausen jump and results in the formation of a new Weiss domain. Above a characteristic temperature, i.e. the Curie temperature, the kinetic energy of the electron spins (also referred to as thermal energy) exceeds the energy of the exchange interaction.
This causes the electron spins to intermix, and the parallel alignment is completely lost. If the thermal energy of the electron spins is greater than the exchange interaction, the magnetisation of the material in an external magnetic field is much smaller than in a ferromagnet. This is referred to as paramagnetism. The thermal energy of the electron spins exceeds the exchange interaction, which is characteristic of every material, just above the Curie temperature. This is why the Curie temperature is also material-specific. It is 769 °C for iron, 1127 °C for cobalt and 358 °C for nickel.

Illustration showing that the magnetisation is lost above the Curie temperature
The illustration schematically shows the alignment of the electron spins in a magnetised ferromagnet as the temperature rises. Initially, the electron spins in the Weiss domains remain aligned in parallel. Above the Curie temperature, however, the thermal energy of the spins overcomes the exchange interaction, and the magnetisation is lost.

Behaviour above the Curie temperature

In a paramagnet, the electron spins are statically orientated as long as no external magnetic field is present. The magnetised material will demagnetise again immediately after the external field is switched off.
For paramagnets, the magnetic susceptibility χ of the material, and thus also the magnetic permeability µ, continues to be highly temperature-dependent above the Curie temperature. The higher the temperature, the harder it is for the spins to be aligned by the external field, and the less the external magnetic field is amplified by the paramagnetic material.
The dependence of the magnetic susceptibility χ on the temperature T can be described above the Curie temperature TC, i.e. for T > TC, by the Curie-Weiss law.

The Curie-Weiss law reads:
\(\chi = \frac{C}{T-T_C}\),

whereby C is the so-called Curie constant. The Curie constant is also material-specific (i.e. based on the type of material). This law was first formulated by the physicist Pierre Curie in 1896 and then further developed by the French physicist Pierre-Ernest Weiss in 1907.

Curie temperatures of certain ferromagnetic materials

Table: Overview of the Curie temperature of various ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials according to sources [1]-[4].
Material Chemical Formula Curie temp. (K) Curie temp. (°C) Magnetism
Cobalt Co 1388 1115 Ferromagnetic
Iron Fe 1043 770 Ferromagnetic
Iron(III) oxide Fe2O3 948 675 Ferrimagnetic
Nickel iron oxide NiOFe2O3 858 585 Ferrimagnetic
Copper iron oxide CuOFe2O3 728 455 Ferrimagnetic
Magnesium iron oxide MgOFe2O3 713 440 Ferrimagnetic
Manganese bismuth MnBi 630 357 Ferromagnetic
Nickel Ni 627 354 Ferromagnetic
Neodymium-iron-boron Nd2Fe14B 593 320 Ferromagnetic
Manganese antimonide MnSb 587 314 Ferromagnetic
Manganese iron oxide MnOFe2O3 573 300 Ferrimagnetic
Yttrium iron garnet Y3Fe5O12 560 287 Ferrimagnetic
Chromium(IV) oxide CrO2 386 113 Ferrimagnetic
Manganese arsenide MnAs 318 45 Ferromagnetic
Gadolinium Gd 292 19 Ferromagnetic
Terbium Tb 219 -54 Ferromagnetic
Dysprosium Dy 88 -185 Ferromagnetic
Europium(II) oxide EuO 69 -204 Ferromagnetic

[1] A. F. Holleman, E. Wiberg, N. Wiberg: Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. 102. Auflage. [Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry. 102nd edition] Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-11-017770-1, p. 1682.
[2] C. Rau, S. Eichner: Evidence for ferromagnetic order at gadolinium surfaces above the bulk Curie temperature. In: Physical Review B. Volume 34, No. 9, November 1986, p. 6347–6350, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.34.6347
[3] C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics (sixth ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 1986. ISBN 0-471-87474-4.
[4] M. Jackson: Wherefore Gadolinium? Magnetism of the Rare Earths (PDF). IRM Quarterly. Institute for Rock Magnetism. 10 (3), 2000

The table shows a selection of materials that have various interesting applications due to their interesting magnetic properties. Neodymium-iron-boron, for example, is frequently used for permanent magnets and has a Curie temperature of 320 °C. All the materials mentioned are only ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic below the Curie temperature; above this temperature, the materials become paramagnetic, as the exchange interaction of the electron spins is cancelled out by the thermal motion.
For many materials, the exact magnetic properties depend precisely on the specific composition and manufacturing conditions. MnAs, for example, is known for its phase transitions and associated magnetic property changes, making it an interesting candidate for thermal storage applications and sensors. The exact magnetic properties of MnAs, including its Curie temperature, depend strongly on the crystal structure and microstructure of the material.

Portrait of Dr Franz-Josef Schmitt
Dr Franz-Josef Schmitt

Dr Franz-Josef Schmitt is a physicist and academic director of the advanced practicum in physics at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He worked at the Technical University from 2011-2019, heading various teaching projects and the chemistry project laboratory. His research focus is time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in biologically active macromolecules. He is also the Managing Director of Sensoik Technologies GmbH.

The copyright for all content in this compendium (text, photos, illustrations, etc.) remains with the author, Franz-Josef Schmitt. The exclusive rights of use for this work remain with Webcraft GmbH, Switzerland (as the operator of supermagnete.pt). Without the explicit permission of Webcraft GmbH, the contents of this compendium may neither be copied nor used for any other purpose. Suggestions to improve or praise for the quality of the work should be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
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